Get Hired Faster with a Standout Caydre Profile.

Make your career move with confidence.
Create a standout profile – CaydreProfile in minutes


Caydre Value

  • Caydre helps you get hired fast
  • Caydre is a hiring platform for sales and customer service positions for retail and hospitality industry.


What it is

  • Caydre speeds up hiring by ensuring your personality, capabilities, and potential are easily understood by recruiters.
  • The value of Caydre is the visual CaydreProfile
  • You make your profile using simple question and answer tools. The process is transparent, engaging and fun.
  • The Profile has a video interview. Caydre helps you prepare for the interview.
  • The profile has online tests - a self-help test where you gain insights about how you work and learn, creativity and your personailty.
  • The profile has a sales potential and customer service aptitude assessment. This helps candidates recognize their capabilities. Caydre shares the assessments with you. This is a paid service. The fees are compensated when you get hired.


Why Take Assessment Tests

  • Companies have confidence in the CaydreProfile because Caydre leverages the power of authenticated tests for hiring decisions, tests that use science and data.


Value of for Candidates.

Easy to Prepare

Guided approach to make
a visual profile.

Visual Profile

your distinctive achievements, your unique capabilities and your special potential, in an easy to grasp visual profile.

Video Interview

Interview is a critical part of
Speeds recruitment.


To present your abilities, personality
and potential, and accelerate hiring.

Your Personal Dashboard

To help you track your
hiring progress.

Fast Hiring

Visual profile speeds hiring decision-making.

Free to use

You can send your to whomsoever you want.

Get Hired Fast.

Build Your in 45 minutes.


Build Your Distinct Profile

Answer questions on our Build
Your tool and see
your unique profile emerge.


Record Video Interview

Caydre guides you to prepare for the interview. This is an important part of your profile.


Your Capabilities and Potential

Answer questions on our Build
The quizzes help you present your unique abilities, personality and potential to recruiters.

Ready for Fast Hiring


Companies see your CaydreProfile

Companies have all they need in your They connect with you, discuss, and make offers.


Your Capabilities and Potential

You Accept the job Offer